Monday, May 23, 2011


Down syndrome is easy.
Down syndrome is sometimes hard.
Down syndrome means that Tyson is extra special.
Ds means that Tyson will be viewed differently.
But different isn't always bad, it's just different.
Ds means that my whole family will know that different is okay.
Down Syndrome is different than it sounds... there is nothing "down" about it.
Down syndrome means ALL my kids are special and I LOVE Tyson's Designer genes.
Down syndrome means my son can do anything he puts his mind to doing.
Down Syndrome means that there are 47 peices to love instead of 46 - hey isn't more love better?
Down Syndrome is what caused me to cry the most tears but also laugh the most laughs in my life.
Down Syndrome is something I will never view in the same way again.
Down Syndrome is what rallied my family into learning about something new and different.
Down syndrome can be frustrating.
Down syndrome can make me cry.
Down syndrome has made me a stronger person.
Down syndrome can make the unknown future a little more scary.
Down syndrome has helped my girls see the inner beauty of people.
Down syndrome is why my daughter wants to have a baby with ds when she grows up.
I could go on, but I will end with the best thought of all...
Down syndrome gave our family a child that we love more and more every day.

I did not think of all of these on my own....but I agree 100%

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