Saturday, September 18, 2010

One Room At A Time

So let me start off by saying we have lived in this house four years(moved in with two kids...had 2 more within four years) I am not a decorator what so ever...not one little bit. So we have used our dining room as a place to put bags, papers, whatever else I have no place for. There is so much that needs to be done that I start to not like the house...blah blah blah- I'm sure many of you have been there. So before I depress myself this winter which I am really going to try hard not to get there I am giving myself to do lists every month- this month I...well my good friend is going to paint Tyson's room- he has lived in a pepto bismal pink room for almost two years! And I decided to decorate the living room to the best of my ability-
So I started out with a little welcome sign

I got placemats and a few autumn decorations for the table(the other placemats are on back order)We are actually going to start eating in here.

A picture of the kids was hung up..there has been nothing on the wall for years

My dad brought this desk over from his basement- I needed a place to keep all the kids papers for school, ect.

It's hard to see but the walls are painted two different tones of browns..we did that 2 years ago but in the daytime it is a peachy color..that will get a couple of years! Alina told me this room feels like a new home.

1 comment:

  1. I think god has bless you with a great family
