Thursday, December 2, 2010

Witching Hour

Now I know I'm not the only mom that experiences this- I call it my "witching" hour. Mine occurs from 3:30(the minute the girls get home from school) till about 7pm. It's absolutley crazy. "Can I have a snack, can you get me a drink, what's for dinner, when is daddy getting home, Tyson pooped, Kenzie needs wiped"...
I have to pop an Ativan just to get through dinner time. Don't worry I'm not hooked on them....yet. It's like we have to eat in shifts...Tyson first of course because no one wants to hear him scream, I usually throw food on his tray while I'm making dinner, otherwise he's hanging on my leg. Kenzie takes two bites and is done. Skip eats whenever he gets home. I eat while I'm standing feeding everyone because the minute I try to sit down someone needs something.
Now usually on the weekends we all eat together because I do feel it is important to have dinner as a family....Skip may think differently about that...try eating dinner with three chatty girls and a screaming boy.

Here we all are in our small kitchen- Kenzie always wants to help so she's stirring the soup unsupervised-just kidding I just left her there to take this picture quick.
Skip's trying to program Buzz Lightyear smack in the middle...did I mention our kitchen was small??? Funny thing is we all squeeze into the little island there to eat rather than eating in our dining room. Oh that's right there's always junk on that table too.

Tyson's locked up and already done eating..everytime he sees me with my camera he puts his hands on his face.

Who else has crazy dinner times?


  1. It will get better, I promise! I remember those days very clearly and hated them ! Things are better now that the kids are older. Emily is always off doing homework and Mitchell is playing somewhere else in the house while I'm making dinner. It works out nice! Your time will come!!

  2. Oh my goodness LOL! I love hearing about your family :)
    I can totally relate, I of course dish everyones plate before mine and till I sit to eat they are either ready for seconds or desert! Err

    And it will get better Jen before we know it we will have a house of TEENAGERS lol :P

  3. we always sit down together as a fam, you know to have good quality time and great conversations about the day but it usually ends (and begins) in some type of argument...."I want to sit by William" is the most common. sometimes I think I should just say fend for yourself, lol
