Sunday, December 5, 2010

Do I Mind???

Do I mind that Tyson says "Da Da" all the time to Skip?? Not at all- even though I can't get him to say "Ma Ma." Do I mind that he has been very clingy to Skip- wanting to be held by him all the time, gets up and walks away from me the minute he sees Skip, now even cries when he leaves?? Not a bit- I love it.
I can remember when Tyson was born, I was so scared how things would be- would Skip treat him any different, how is he going to handle having a son with DS?..our only son we were so anxious to have. He actually handled everything much better than I did. He doesn't treat Tyson any different because of his disability...I tend to baby Tyson more but that's just what mother's are supposed to do to their children!

I absolutely love seeing the two of them together


  1. Such a sweet picture...Tyson's a lucky and loved little guy, that is obvious!

  2. This makes my heart smile =0)
    Doyle is super attached to Steve right now too, just like Jolten was at this age! My in-laws all commented that it must bother me but NOPE not at all!! Actually, secretly I LOVE it!!
