Sunday, November 7, 2010

Just The Two Of Us

Today Tyson and I went to visit his friend Finn. Oh what a glorious 40 minute ride it was...Tyson slept, I listened to kids in the back fighting or asking me 20 questions. It was the best 40 minutes I had in a long time. Last time when Finn was at our house Tyson was acting like a crazy boy and Finn wasn't too sure of him. Well Finn put Tyson in his place today. I never saw Tyson sit so still by me for so long. He was all shy and didn't want to look around and trash the house like he normally would do. Tyson did show Finn how to grab hold of this bar and pull himself up into a standing position. Soon he'll be showing Finn how to hide the phone, how to get into the snack drawer...ect. At the rate Tyson is going he may get suspended from preschool before even entering!

We had a great time visiting Finn- And I had a great time being with just one child even if it was my troublemaker.


  1. Oh, I dont' believe could that innocent face be trouble???
